A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2391

Chapter 2391


“Frankly, you’re incredibly rude. I wouldn’t dream of selling the wedding dress I design to someone like you.”

The woman’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Undeterred, Laura, realizing she was no match for the woman’s physical prowess, swiftly gathered her belongings and made a hasty exit, not even catching sight of Edwin in her rush.

Edwin felt a twinge of sadness.

He knew Laura like the back of his hand.

She’d get flustered even at the hint of a raised voice.

Angela’s Library

But now she confronted malice head-on, courageously asserting herself in a way she never had before.

Edwin emerged from the shadows, a deliberate presence.

As the affluent woman finished her coffee, preparing to depart, she glanced up to find Edwin observing her with a stern expression. She mustered a forced smile and stuttered, “Mr. Evans…”

Edwin calmly picked up the coffee cup that had been Laura’s.

In the next instant, he showered the woman’s face with the remaining coffee.

The cafe buzzed with onlookers, and the woman, flustered but unable to retaliate against Edwin, anxiously whispered, “What is the meaning of this? Mr. Evans, have you forgotten that my husband has business dealings with you?”

Edwin chuckled with a cold edge.

“Public humiliation doesn’t feel great, does it? But I’ll make amends.”

With a casual demeanor, he pulled out his checkbook, wrote a check for 280, 00, and remarked as he tore it out, “I may have a packed schedule, but I’ve still got the energy to handle a small-timer!”

The woman stood there, utterly stunned.

Edwin smoothly stowed away the checkbook and made his exit with grace.

As he reached the door, he paused dramatically and added, “Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Laura happens to be my wife!”

His words reverberated through the cafe, sparking a round of applause, particularly from the younger onlookers who had witnessed the entire spectacle.

Right or wrong, they relished seeing the haughty woman put in her place.

Edwin swiftly made his way outside and spotted Laura in the square, perched on a bench.

Her eyes were tinged with red, giving her the appearance of a delicate, adorable rabbit in distress.

He observed her from a distance, contemplating.

Soon, Edwin’s eyes fell on a nearby cotton candy stand. He approached and purchased a cotton candy, the vendor eyeing him with curiosity.

